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Promotional Cover
    Muhammad Zeeshan
     Zafraan Mahrban
      Judah Chandra
 Beforewe started to create a Promotional
 Cover each of us had to do research on
 promotional covers to reveal the codes
 and conventions of the Promotional Cover.
The typography within this promotional cover is of
simple font and colour. The large, bold title illustrates
the Artist Name to make the text more eye catching
thus making it easy to attract the audience.
The name of the album is quite interesting. Straight
No Chaser. This interesting use of language attracts
the audience simply due to the wording sounding
Furthermore, the text on the promotional cover are
also for informing the audience of the album. This is
done by writing the name of the album, the name of
the albums artist, the release date of the artist &
listing a few artist within the album. This makes it
easier to promote the album as targeted audience will
like the artist, while the artist list will confirm their
purchase of the album. This is due to the fact that the
list of artist within the promotional cover will hook the
targeted audience onto the album

Imagery                                                         Colour 
The only image upon the promotional cover is of the artist.      The colour within the promotion is simple
This is to attract the audience only to the artist and nothing   except at the main image. The effects of the
else. This way the promotion of the artist will be simpler.      images using different shades of colour makes
Moreover the effects of the image make an exquisite effect       it eye catching for the audience thus making
which is eye catching for the targeted audience which in turn    the promotional cover efficient at advertising
makes the advertising and marketing much easier.                 the artist.
The typography within this promotional cover is
quite interesting as the Artist name is in Large
and Bold font making it easier to see thus
attracting the audience mush easily.
However the album name is exquisite due to the
design of the font. The attractive font makes it
easier for the promotional cover to attract and
hook audience into the album.
Moreover the name of the album is once again
cleverly chosen to maximise the chance of
audience looking at the promotional cover. This is
due to fact that the album name is Your Truly
Angry Mob which relates to the targeted
audience as the Your makes a personal link with
the reader. This helps with the promoting and
advertising of the album as more readers can
relate themselves with the artist.
As with the previous promotional cover, the
promotional cover is informative about the album
as the Album Name, Album Artist Name, Release
Date, Version in Which album is available & the
artist Website. We believe the website makes it
easier for the targeted audience link with the
artist, this in turn makes them relate themselves
with the artist.
The image of the artist is placed on
the bottom of the promotional cover
with a distance between the title and
the picture. This gap makes the
image more eye catching then the
text, thus if the text never caught the
eye of the targeted audience then the
image will. Moreover the artist within
the picture are looking straight at
you. We believe this makes the
targeted audience feel that all
attention from the band is on
him/her. This in turn allows the target
audience to relate with the group
which will make the promoting much
The simple colour of the promotional
cover along with the text and the
image, makes a simple yet effective
promotional cover. This is due to the
fact that the colour yellow is one of
the brightest colour thus making it
much more eye catching. Then the
text and the images will hook the
audience into the album resulting in
a simple yet efficient promotional
   During the research, we found that the album cover of the artist was used
    to create the promotional cover.
   Moreover we found certain codes and conventions which were repeated
    within the two promotional magazines we examined. These are as listed.

                                               Artist & Album Name
    Imagery           Colour
                                The layout of the Promotional covers consist of
                                the Artist and Album name at the Top. Release
                                date with the Album Name or at the Bottom.
                                The Image is large and anywhere on the page,
    Release Date,               Middle and Bottom from the analyzed
                                Promotional Covers.
    Version of the Album,
    Website Address
Uses of Codes and Conventions
   Artist Name  To relate the album to its respective artist.
   Album Name  Name of the Album.
   Colour  Colour used within the Promotion Cover.
   Imagery  Images Used within the Promotional Cover.
   Release Date  Release Date of the Album.
   Versions of the Album  Different mediums for the
    albums for example  CD, DVD, Double LP.
   Website Addresses  Website Address of the Artist.

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Promotional cover research

  • 1. Promotional Cover Research By Muhammad Zeeshan Zafraan Mahrban Judah Chandra
  • 2. Beginning Beforewe started to create a Promotional Cover each of us had to do research on promotional covers to reveal the codes and conventions of the Promotional Cover.
  • 3. Typography The typography within this promotional cover is of simple font and colour. The large, bold title illustrates the Artist Name to make the text more eye catching thus making it easy to attract the audience. The name of the album is quite interesting. Straight No Chaser. This interesting use of language attracts the audience simply due to the wording sounding cool. Furthermore, the text on the promotional cover are also for informing the audience of the album. This is done by writing the name of the album, the name of the albums artist, the release date of the artist & listing a few artist within the album. This makes it easier to promote the album as targeted audience will like the artist, while the artist list will confirm their purchase of the album. This is due to the fact that the list of artist within the promotional cover will hook the targeted audience onto the album Imagery Colour The only image upon the promotional cover is of the artist. The colour within the promotion is simple This is to attract the audience only to the artist and nothing except at the main image. The effects of the else. This way the promotion of the artist will be simpler. images using different shades of colour makes Moreover the effects of the image make an exquisite effect it eye catching for the audience thus making which is eye catching for the targeted audience which in turn the promotional cover efficient at advertising makes the advertising and marketing much easier. the artist.
  • 4. Typography The typography within this promotional cover is quite interesting as the Artist name is in Large and Bold font making it easier to see thus attracting the audience mush easily. However the album name is exquisite due to the design of the font. The attractive font makes it easier for the promotional cover to attract and hook audience into the album. Moreover the name of the album is once again cleverly chosen to maximise the chance of audience looking at the promotional cover. This is due to fact that the album name is Your Truly Angry Mob which relates to the targeted audience as the Your makes a personal link with the reader. This helps with the promoting and advertising of the album as more readers can relate themselves with the artist. As with the previous promotional cover, the promotional cover is informative about the album as the Album Name, Album Artist Name, Release Date, Version in Which album is available & the artist Website. We believe the website makes it easier for the targeted audience link with the artist, this in turn makes them relate themselves with the artist.
  • 5. Imagery The image of the artist is placed on the bottom of the promotional cover with a distance between the title and the picture. This gap makes the image more eye catching then the text, thus if the text never caught the eye of the targeted audience then the image will. Moreover the artist within the picture are looking straight at you. We believe this makes the targeted audience feel that all attention from the band is on him/her. This in turn allows the target audience to relate with the group which will make the promoting much easier.
  • 6. Colour The simple colour of the promotional cover along with the text and the image, makes a simple yet effective promotional cover. This is due to the fact that the colour yellow is one of the brightest colour thus making it much more eye catching. Then the text and the images will hook the audience into the album resulting in a simple yet efficient promotional cover.
  • 7. Findings During the research, we found that the album cover of the artist was used to create the promotional cover. Moreover we found certain codes and conventions which were repeated within the two promotional magazines we examined. These are as listed. Artist & Album Name Imagery Colour The layout of the Promotional covers consist of the Artist and Album name at the Top. Release date with the Album Name or at the Bottom. The Image is large and anywhere on the page, Release Date, Middle and Bottom from the analyzed Promotional Covers. Version of the Album, Website Address
  • 8. Uses of Codes and Conventions Artist Name To relate the album to its respective artist. Album Name Name of the Album. Colour Colour used within the Promotion Cover. Imagery Images Used within the Promotional Cover. Release Date Release Date of the Album. Versions of the Album Different mediums for the albums for example CD, DVD, Double LP. Website Addresses Website Address of the Artist.